Board Of Management

As Akol Global, we have been creating added value for our clients and the economy of Northern Cyprus since 2003 through our collection of real estate projects which we have designed and developed.

Who is Niyazi Sanal

Niyazi ŞANAL, Akol Global’in kurucusu ve Yönetim Kurulu Başkanıdır. Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti’nde pek çok marka projeye imza atarak profesyonel iş yaşamına devam etmektedir.

Born in 1973 in Cyprus, Niyazi Şanal completed his primary and secondary education in Cyprus and graduated from Marmara University in 1995. In the same year, Niyazi Şanal, who started his business life by focusing on the tourism sector, after working as a senior manager in many brands and hotel sectors, returned to the island in 2003, which we can characterize as a new turning point, and started to realize projects that make a difference in the construction sector by establishing Akol Development Limited in the same year.

In subsequent years, Niyazi Shanal expanded the scope of his activities and began working in such areas as real estate investment, contracting services, tourism - investment in hotels, real estate development and leasing, rental of free zones, storage, trade and media.
Niazi Shanal, who maintains stable success in many areas of business, also sponsors and supports social projects aimed at education, environmental activities, culture, art and sports.

Niazi Şanal, who has two daughters, is a passionate fan of Magusa Turk Gucu and Fenerbahce and loves the geography of Cyprus.

Akol Global is among the leading organizations that have revitalized the country's economy and created added value due to its deep and successful history spanning a quarter of a century, industry expertise, well-trained workforce, strong employment network, robust funding structure, foresight and ability to develop strategies .

Founded in 2003 by Niyazi Şanal together with his father Fikret Şanal, Akol Group continues to move confidently into the future by investing in various sectors. Thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit of Chairman Niyazi Şanal and the experience and support of his father Fikret Şanal, today Akol Group of Companies is a leading value-adding organization for Northern Cyprus.

Today, with more than 400 employees and more than 40 technical and administrative staff, Akol Global stands out with its safe and careful real estate investments in Northern Cyprus.